Wizard of Oz

I think I just saw the wicked witch of the west fly by on her broom. The house is shaking from the "gale force Northwesterlies". Talie got little sleep because of the racket the wind was causing, rattling the windows, stuff blowing around in the yard. I heard it too but I fall back asleep quickly.

At 4am Talie got up to close all the windows but in the morning the kids came in to tell us that the drapes were flying all around and the window was slamming open and shot. I went to investigate and found that the window's latch had ripped right out. The window was being pulled open and shut by the wind. I tried to screw it back together but there was no wood for the screw to grip since the screws had been ripped out. I ended up battening down the hatches. I went outside and nailed the window shut with a piece of doweling. This'll do until the wind dies down enough for me to screw the latch in with longer screws.

We found this guy on our after dinner stroll yesterday:


Anonymous said…
Just to give you an idea of how windy it was I took this from the online news "Mt Kau Kau in Wellington was buffeted by 130kph gusts." Mt Kau Kau is just behind our house.

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