Windy As (funny Kiwi expression)!
Today was windy as! We decided that it'd be fun to walk up Bell's track. It was crazy windy at the top. The kids loved it...and so did I. We walked right into a cloud that was crowning the top of the hill. They flew by so quickly. 
E found this guy in the retaining wall of someone's front yard. He has good eyes for detail. J and I took some pictures:

I believe he is a wolf spider but as of yet I haven't found his name. I'll keep looking.

On our evening walks the kids have started picking up interesting items. These three musketeers were picked up by E and N. For those that might be worried, they were dead when found. N can now identify's so cute to hear him say that word. He says it so clearly.

E found this guy in the retaining wall of someone's front yard. He has good eyes for detail. J and I took some pictures:

I believe he is a wolf spider but as of yet I haven't found his name. I'll keep looking.

On our evening walks the kids have started picking up interesting items. These three musketeers were picked up by E and N. For those that might be worried, they were dead when found. N can now identify's so cute to hear him say that word. He says it so clearly.
