Everyone is allowed one bad day, right?

I woke up this morning feeling psyched to go on my Saturday long run but it just wasn't the right time to go because Julia had a friend sleepover and at least two adults were required to reign in the chaos, mostly insighted by Ethan. After Julia's friend left we prepared to go to a pool party. Our friend's daughter was turning 5 and she had invited the whole family to party at the indoor public pool. It was a great party and totally tired out the kids. Talie spent the whole time in the water. I was in for a bit to watch Julia while she swam in the deep end. Ethan and Noah love the water too and are learning how to swim.

After lunch, we played pinata and I offered to hold it out using a 20 cm length of plastic while the kids smashed at it with a stick. A very dangerous job, if I do say so myself. The older children had some pretty wicked swings but luckily I avoided serious injury. That is, until Julia stepped up to the cricket wicket (my kiwiisation of "stepped up to the plate")...she wacked with all her might, and that's a lot o' might, cuz all that force landed across my fingers. Needless to say I dropped the pinata, held back the tears and walked away clutching my bleeding fingers. I have two cuts and a few little bruises to show for it.

When we got home I got changed and went out for my one hour run. I wasn't really feeling up to it anymore but I knew I had to get it done with. My strategy is to run out half an hour, turn around, and run half an hour back. Normally, even if I start out less than motivated, eventually I get in the rhythm and start to enjoy the exersise...but not today. I just couldn't get motivated...so my run slowed to a walk for a bit. On and off I would build up enough motivation to run for a bit...and then slow down to a walk...until eventually it was all walk.

While walking I started to think how I miss my friends and family in Canada and how it'd be nice to go back. Wellington is awesome and we are making some great friends but we don't nor will we ever have the social network we left in Ottawa. Then I started to think about how my legs were hurting and I felt a blister building on my big toe of my left foot. My self-pity was interupted by a fit looking guy running by me....so I stuck my tongue out at him (he didn't see as I was, as they say, eating his dust). As I was struggling up the last hill to our house it started to drizzle and a cold wind was blowing. Ugghhh!

I got back and I could smell meat loaf in the oven. My beautiful wife was watching Madagascar with our amazing children...and I think to myself what a wonderful world. Everything is gonna turn out just fine!


Anonymous said…
so when are you coming home....i couldn't resist ....you know who
Anonymous said…
seriously, brian, if you only have one bad day you're doing very well...hope you're feeling better by now....you know who
Anonymous said…
you brought a tear to my eye
love, dad
Speaka said…
Mom and Dad - It was great speaking to you today...that certainly helps the homesickness.

Tan- Its nice to hear that you keep up with our lives through the blog. I check yours often too though its been a bit since its been updated. : )
Drakadooey said…

That was a sad sounding day...I love how you stuck your tongue out at that fit runner guy. I was doing the same to some fit rower dudes on TV last night on mythbusters. Dang fit people! We miss you guys too and I'm sure everything will turn out just fine no matter if you stay or go. It was so so so awesome chatting with all of you guys on the weekend. Too bad the crazy crickets were making so much noise...my ears still hurt.

Cheers and love from all of us

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