After an excellent chili meal, Talie brought out dessert...kiwiberries. Mini hairless kiwifruit that were the size of grapes. No need to peel 'em just pop 'em in your mouth. They were much sweeter than kiwifruit too. Yummy!
I immediately got on the net and emailed the kiwiberry grower association to let them know that I loved them and that friends and family in Canada would probably love them too. I was hoping for an offer to be their overseas marketing manager for this new developing product.
A little more searching and I found out that they are grown in Canada (Niagara) and the US already so I'm a bit behind the eightball.
Has anyone tried them? What did you think?
BTW The pictures above are not mine...I stole 'em off the net.
I immediately got on the net and emailed the kiwiberry grower association to let them know that I loved them and that friends and family in Canada would probably love them too. I was hoping for an offer to be their overseas marketing manager for this new developing product.
A little more searching and I found out that they are grown in Canada (Niagara) and the US already so I'm a bit behind the eightball.
Has anyone tried them? What did you think?
BTW The pictures above are not mine...I stole 'em off the net.
Yes, Tracie, you can have one and I believe that actually there is a small amount grown in Italy.
Knollster, Kiwifruit used to be called Chinese gooseberry but other than that...probably not that similar. Kiwiberries' scientific name is Actinidia arguta whereas gooseberries are from the genus Ribes. I don't think I've had gooseberries but from the reading I did it appears that gooseberries are sour/tart but kiwiberries are super sweet!
Jagaimogirl, I looked around the net and it seems that they are indeed quite expensive in North America...that's the selling point for the growers...the whole niche market opportunity.