This is me!

You're a HOTARU (firefly)! You're very cheerful and
energetic and love the nightlife. Everyone
seems to love you. Children are the closest
thing you have to a true enemy. They
sometimes literally love you to death! YIKES!

What Japanese Bug are YOU?


Anonymous said…
Apparently I'm a Hotaru....
Anonymous said…
I keep forgetting to tell you that I visit your blog regularly. I am glad that you are enjoying yourselves and that Tuesday was such a great day!!
Uncle Michael
Anonymous said…
I'm a firefly too apparently...weird.
Speaka said…
Uncle Michael: Always great to hear that people actually read the blog. Hope all is well with you.

Erin: You, mom and Talie are all fireflies...interesting. Images of Farly spring to mind.
Anonymous said…
You took my quiz! COOL!!! ^_^
Speaka said…
Farly McFirefly..."to gloooooooooooow"

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