I'm just an amateur..

I hope you had a fantastic weekend. Ours was lovely and a little cool. We took Tui to the dog park for the first time. We had to wait until she'd had all of her puppy shots. Tui loved it! She was chasing and running with all of the other dogs. I don't think she's aware of her size..she was even spooking other dogs that were bigger than her. Way to go Tui! Needless to say, when we returned home, she was completely pooped and slept all afternoon.

After recently seeing some pictures our friends T and H took of flowers..it got me thinking that we have some pretty nice ones in our garden that should be appreciated by all. While I've never taken pictures of flowers before, I found a flower setting on my camera. The pictures turned out nicely, thanks to that camera setting. There are only a few as it's still winter here. I can't wait to take a more pictures as they bloom. I've been told by a neighbour that one of the previous owners of our home was a horticulturalist who loved to garden. Apparently there are some plants in our garden that I won't find anywhere else. Pretty neat!
Cheers, N