The Birthday Party..a little less fuzzy

We didn't quite forget N's it was coming but never had the opportunity to buy him a present without him being there. You see...this country is...weird. All of the shops close at 5pm. It's ridiculous!! Perhaps it'll save us some money though. I plan to get him something on Saturday when I can leave him with B.

We didn't skip his birthday altogether..that would be awful. I went to the grocery store and bought a mississippi mud pie, some candles and some really annoying blowing thingys. Needless to say, it doesn't take much to make a child happy. All the hoopla was enough to get him very excited. Bri was able to buy N a book on his lunch break--N didn't show much interest but there was so much going on. We'll try again tonight.
N received his first overseas present this morning. It was from Gramma and Grampa K. He has so excited. "Open it, mommy" "fom gamma?" "ses you"(translation.. thank you) His words, not mine.
The toy is like can make 4 different things: a crane, tow truck, dune buggy or helicopter. In this next pic, N is in the midst of saying, "cool". Check out his lips.
After all that cake, trying to get the kids to bed..that was fun.There's E showing off his muscles. He's really into eating healthy things to get big muscles. We're getting him to try so many new things by reminding him that it will make him big and strong. Way to go E!!
Our little giggle explanation necessary.
Our beautiful princess..full of 5 yr old sass.
They're all so precious and growing up so quickly.
Thank you to those of you who called, emailed, MSNed all of your birthday wishes. N was happy to receive each one.