Technical difficulties
I have been trying to develop my inner computer geek and I switched to Mozilla Firefox as my browser rather than Internet Explorer. I noticed that my blog didn't display correctly with the new browser. In my effort to correct this problem...I...umm...I'm a little embarassed to say but...umm...I...ummm...accidentally deleted and then saved over my old template thereby erasing all the add-ons I had added. Oops!
Before I go about adding them all back in, though, I would like to conduct a poll as to what features I should add back in. I'd like to hear input from everyone...even those who don't comment or don't comment often. The question is: "What features did you use/like and would like to see again?"
Before I go about adding them all back in, though, I would like to conduct a poll as to what features I should add back in. I'd like to hear input from everyone...even those who don't comment or don't comment often. The question is: "What features did you use/like and would like to see again?"
I didn't like the popups but I have them off on my home computer anyway... They pop up at work though.
Features? We don't need no steeking features!
Yes, the popups were quite annoying at work...especially since it pops up with a big "WARNING: ACCESS TO THE INTERNET IS MONITORED" window...always makes me nervous.
Although the fade-out is fun, someone else has that feature and I wouldn't want to plagarise.
I'll looking into better ways to organise the archive and I'll find the "Recent Comments" code.
Thanks for your input. Anyone else?
Yes, spammers are great!