Technical difficulties

I have been trying to develop my inner computer geek and I switched to Mozilla Firefox as my browser rather than Internet Explorer. I noticed that my blog didn't display correctly with the new browser. In my effort to correct this problem...I...umm...I'm a little embarassed to say but...umm...I...ummm...accidentally deleted and then saved over my old template thereby erasing all the add-ons I had added. Oops!

Before I go about adding them all back in, though, I would like to conduct a poll as to what features I should add back in. I'd like to hear input from everyone...even those who don't comment or don't comment often. The question is: "What features did you use/like and would like to see again?"


I liked the background pictures and I liked the recent comments bit...

I didn't like the popups but I have them off on my home computer anyway... They pop up at work though.
Speaka said…
I didn't even realise about the popups until recently. After searching the web, I found out it likely had to do with my stats counter I won't put that back on.
Drakadooey said…
Although i was fond of the punk kids background...this one is much nicer. Too bad you lost all your extras...maybe you should code in a fade in fade out thing now...heehee. No, that's silly.

Features? We don't need no steeking features!

Yes, the popups were quite annoying at work...especially since it pops up with a big "WARNING: ACCESS TO THE INTERNET IS MONITORED" window...always makes me nervous.
Anonymous said…
i didn't even know you had customized features...but i second the annoying pop ups..also, one question, is there any way to view the archives by title instead of date?
Speaka said…
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Speaka said…
I feel bad about the popups...someone should have told me sooner...I never knew. I have a popup blocker at home and I must have one at work too cuz I never saw any popups.

Although the fade-out is fun, someone else has that feature and I wouldn't want to plagarise.

I'll looking into better ways to organise the archive and I'll find the "Recent Comments" code.

Thanks for your input. Anyone else?
Anonymous said…
I would like better access for spammers.
Anonymous said…
i wont mind seeing more of abu.
Anonymous said…
what is abu?
Speaka said…
My new monkey (see the bottom right of the blog).

Yes, spammers are great!
Speaka said…
I think I fixed Recent Comments bit but I can't seem to fix the Archives by Title. I found instructions but was unable to successfully implement them. Perhaps you could use the search function?
J-girl said…
Could you select the non-popup option for your comment pages? I can't comment from work with this kind.

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