Wikipedia Called

I love Wikipedia so I was really psyched when they called to ask if they could replace all the text contained in the ADHD article with this video.


This is fantastic. Just the reason I became a primary school teacher. I CAN'T wait to get home and teach.

PS... Is this cola induced?
J-girl said…
Were you torturing the poor child? Oh, and I like the new background.
Wow. And that is all I have to say about that.
Speaka said…
TJ - Ethan is a lot of fun to teach one-on-one at home...I can't imagine teaching a classroom of kids with that much energy.
No, we don't let them have pop...this is all natural.

J-girl - Nope, no torture...I just asked him to get dressed and that was his reaction. Thanks for the background compliment.

Michael - Yup, 'nuff said

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