The Zoo cont'd

I loved the chimps. They were sunbathing and rolling about. Too cute!

Those two chimps in the background are cleaning each other and the one in the forefront is napping on his blankie. We witnessed one chimp wake another and they took their blankie and left their rock to go off where we could not see them...a little hanky panky maybe??

I couldn't get enough of the lions..E's favourite too. I took lots of pictures of these beasts.

As a crowd gathered to watch these beauties, one by one, they emerged from their lair and climbed with such grace to the top of their little mountain. I think they were trying to show us that they are the queens of their domain. They stood at the highest peak, each in turn and watched us very intently. Were they thinking, lunch??

A meercat..

A tamarin..

The kids had lots of fun and hope to go back again soon.


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