Secretly blogging from work

We have moved into our new house! I'm so excited about having our own space. The house is awesome...the neighbourhood is great...and I even love the hearing the trains zoomin' by. We are phone-, internet- and TV cable-less, hence my secret work blogging. It'll have to be quick.

I'm going to the tattoo parlour tonight. Hopefully they'll be able to finish it tonight. I've decided to forgo colour for the time'll be black and grey. I've seen some really cool black and grey tat pics so I'm looking forward to seeing what mine looks like. I'm not really looking forward to the pain...but I've done it once...I can do it again.

Yesterday I had a nice father-son moment with Eth. We were a bit early for Julia and Ethan's school barbecue so we went to the sports centre nearby. Luckily there were some guys playing hockey (ice hockey for the NZ-based readers) and we went into the arena to watch them play. While Julia and Noah ran through the stands, Eth and I sat cuddled up close to stay warm and talked about the game. The speed, the sound, the colours seemed to captivate him and his enthusiasm captivated me. He laid his hand on my leg and I covered it with mine and we bonded over the great Canadian game of hockey.


Anonymous said…
there is only one kind of hockey...FIELD HOCKEY.

Ice hockey is played in cold areas where the field gets covered in ice, and the players are still enthusiastic about playing the glorious game that is field hockey.
Anonymous said…
I can see Ethan playing ice hockey, the great Canadian sport, and the whole family going out to watch him, including grandparents!
Anonymous said…
what's field hockey???
Speaka said…
I'm glad you asked, 3rd anonymous, and 1st anonymous this is my reply...field hockey is a game played by girls in skirts. Men don't play field least where I come I was mighty surprised when, in NZ, I heard of men playing field hockey.

2nd Anonymous - That'd be great!

BTW - Signing off your comments woudl really help me sort out the anonymouseseseseses.

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