Raistlin is growing, stuff is arriving, dinos are munching, and Ottawa is chilling

On feeding day we noticed that Raistlin had milky eyes. I'd read that this means he will be shedding soon. On Sunday night, we noticed that his eyes had cleared, which meant that he'd be shedding within 24 hours. This morning I found a teeny bit of skin...pretty neat. This means our new pet is growing! In the pic he has supper in his stomach.

Our stuff arrived from New Zealand! We are pretty excited. Nat and her mom spent yesterday making our house look like a home by hanging our pictures and adding a bit of "us" to the house. It looks great!

On Saturday, a friend and I took five kids (3 of mine and 2 of his) to the Museum to see some dinosaurs, while the ladies worked at a Craft fair. We were pleasantly surprised to find out when we arrived that Saturday mornings are free! Strangely, it wasn't crazy busy.

Unfortunately, the kids almost got eaten by a pack of T-Rexes.

Ottawa is turning quite chilly. The kids got really bundled up for a quick walk around the block. It was almost as windy as Wellington...some telephone poles came down in our neighbourhood, closing a main road in the area. In this picture you can see two poles at 45 degrees to the road...they aren't supposed to be like that.

Technorati tags: Snake, shedding, dinosaurs, weather, wind


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