Bum cheeks and Run freaks

Inspired by the gumption of my sister and our new Ottawan-turned-Wellingtonian friend, I have decided to enter a race. I plan to run a half-marathon on June 25th. This gives me plenty of time to get in fighting shape. To that end, yesterday and today I walked the one hour to work. It is mostly downhill which I figured would be fine but apparently walking downhill uses muscles that I seldom use cuz I am sore. Monday I start the real training with a run at lunchtime with some work mates.

Now for the explanation of the picture above. Yesterday I walked by this billboard and today I figured I should get a picture. Party pills as they call them are a legal party drug in New Zealand. I found it pretty crazy that they promote them as "a smart, safe alternative to illegal drug use". More info from wikipedia on the active ingredient BZP.


J-girl said…
Interesting ad campaign.
Anonymous said…
i as well started training yesterday!!
Anonymous said…
guess i have to run a marathon too!
Speaka said…
Jagaimogirl, agreed...very, ummm...interesting. :)

Dad, what are you training for?

Erin, everyone is doing it...you'd be cool if you did...you could be one of the "in crowd". :)
Anonymous said…
man..my dream has always been to part of the "in crowd"...
Speaka said…
do it...do it. I hear Kate Moss does it...when she is not doing other things.
Karla said…
A Marathon? Congratulations! That's hardcore, man. And I know what you mean -- running downhill can be really hard. (Especially the stopping part... )
Kathryn said…
Congrats Brian! you'll have to tell me your time. I'm glad that I seem to have started a trend
Speaka said…
I will be sure to tell you the time....as long as its not too embarassing.

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