Bum cheeks and Run freaks
Inspired by the gumption of my sister and our new Ottawan-turned-Wellingtonian friend, I have decided to enter a race. I plan to run a half-marathon on June 25th. This gives me plenty of time to get in fighting shape. To that end, yesterday and today I walked the one hour to work. It is mostly downhill which I figured would be fine but apparently walking downhill uses muscles that I seldom use cuz I am sore. Monday I start the real training with a run at lunchtime with some work mates.
Now for the explanation of the picture above. Yesterday I walked by this billboard and today I figured I should get a picture. Party pills as they call them are a legal party drug in New Zealand. I found it pretty crazy that they promote them as "a smart, safe alternative to illegal drug use". More info from wikipedia on the active ingredient BZP.
Dad, what are you training for?
Erin, everyone is doing it...you'd be cool if you did...you could be one of the "in crowd". :)