Rite of Passage

I got my driving learner's permit when I turned 18, primarily as ID to get into the bars in Hull, Quebec, which has a lower drinking age than Ontario. I held that permit for five years until it ran out. I took the written test again and received another 5-year learner's permit in December 2001. During that time I took driver's lessons and learnt to drive but didn't do it often. In December this year, my learner's permit runs out for a second time but this time I'm gonna do something about it.

On November 23, also my birthday, I'm going to take the driver's test to get a real licence which'll allow me to drive alone. If I'm successful I'll complete a rite of passage 13 years late, and totally out of order. Actually I have a history of doing things out of order - I got married, then had children, then graduated university, then had my first full-time job, then bought a house, and then went on my "take a year off before university overseas experience".

Wish me luck! I'm comfortable with driving...my parking still need some work.


Anonymous said…
Good luck Brian! I don't think that Scary Mary is still doing the driving tests so you should be safe!
Anonymous said…
good luck bri!
Speaka said…
Thanks Erin and Anna!

By her epithet...I sure hope Mary has retired!
Kathryn said…
Good luck with your test! I'm sure that you'll do fine and pass with flying colours. I have my licence but I haven't driven in years so I'm going to re-learn how to drive too!

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