Cards n' Cornsnake
I absolutely love watching the kids play cards. It makes me so happy when they play well together...and cards too!

Today, Raistlin ate his first fuzzy, the second size of feeder mice - about 4.5 centimeters. It was awesome. I dangled the mouse in front of his face and to my surprise Raistlin struck out, coiled him up and constricted until the mouse stopped moving. This, of course, didn't take long because the mouse was dead to begin with. In a few moments the mouse was swallowed whole. It must've been quite the meal because he couldn't even close his mouth.
Today, Raistlin ate his first fuzzy, the second size of feeder mice - about 4.5 centimeters. It was awesome. I dangled the mouse in front of his face and to my surprise Raistlin struck out, coiled him up and constricted until the mouse stopped moving. This, of course, didn't take long because the mouse was dead to begin with. In a few moments the mouse was swallowed whole. It must've been quite the meal because he couldn't even close his mouth.