Summer in Ottawa

It is hot and humid here in Ottawa. Unlike Wellington, there are four really obvious seasons here. It is 27C and humid can't stay outside for too long without dying of dehydration. In six months, it'll be -27C and can't stay outside for too long without dying of hypothermia. In between there is a rainy season....spring....and a cool season...fall (autumn). There are extremes and I like it. Much good can be said of going out in the middle of winter in Wellington in a t-shirt and shorts, though. Posted by Picasa


Kar said…
Welcome home! I'll stop by to see ya sometime in the next few weeks at work.
Anonymous said…
Where did you guys end up? Back in Barrhaven??
I was trying to figure out which park Julia was at.
Welcome back guys!
Anna, Jeremy, Emma & Tyler
Speaka said…
We are looking for a place right now in Barrhaven. We are staying with Nat's parents at the moment. We were at the park at Foxfield/Holitman.
Anonymous said…
There is a place for rent right around the corner from your old place and it backs onto the path if you are interested. Tons of places for sale in Barrhaven. Things haven't changed too much I hope :o)
Anonymous said…
my name is sarah i am a hooker i would like to hump your husband
Speaka said…
Wow...that's a weird message. I was gonna delete it but think its kinda funny!

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