King Kong

Talie and the kids met me downtown yesterday so that we could go watch the celebrities walk up the red carpet for the premiere of King Kong, which of course was directed by Kiwi Peter Jackson. They had closed off all the streets surrounding the theatre where Lord of the Rings was also premiered. When we arrived there was already a huge crowd.

It was difficult to find a good place by the barriers that blocked off the red carpet. In the end, our spot was the entrance for the lucky people who got to watch the movie premiere....not too interesting. Watching well dressed people show up and show their tickets to the security guards. As far as famous people go, I heard the voice of Peter Jackson and Naomi Watts over the loudspeakers, and saw the back of Peter Jackson's head from 25 metres away.

The kids enjoyed playing with the guy in the gorilla costume.

After giving up on seeing anything exciting, we had a nice dinner with J's friend's family at a great pizza place. I had a Blazing Saddles (spicy ground beef, salsa, refried beens and guacamole) pizza, which was awesome.

Overall, I thought it was neat but not amazing. I enjoyed seeing the red carpet.


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