May Long Weekend 2007

We had great weekend!

On Friday, we had a family movie night...Freedom Writers...not totally a family movie but good nonetheless (basically Dangerous Minds Two).

On Saturday morning, the kids and I went fishing with my dad. We caught a bunch of sunfish, perch and one very small large mouth bass. Lots o' fun. When we returned we celebrated Eth's sixth birthday! He is growing up quickly! At 2pm we watched as the Sens played their way into the Stanley cup final!!! Go Sens Go! Between periods we drove to friends and stayed for burgers...yum.

Sunday morning we drove up to my inlaws' trailer...and spent a wet but enjoyable day and evening.

Today is Monday and we are just chillin'. Talie leaves for a work trip tomorrow...her first ever. Should be fun for her. I get to hang with the kids alone 'til Friday afternoon. Should be fun for me!

Here are some pics...not necessarily from the weekend...but from the past little while.
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