Non-Profit Organizations

In Canada there are 82956 registered charities, 1655 of them in Ottawa. If you want to contribute to the betterment of humankind, is it better to volunteer or donate to one of these charities OR create a new non-profit organization that addresses an unmet niche need?


Speaka, I'm going to answer your question with a series of questions. Here is my three question approach to determining if a new NFP is justified:

1. Is an existing NFP addressing the need (adequately or not)?
2. Is starting up a new NFP important enough to justify (lots and lots of) your time and other people's money?
3. When you can no longer commit to the NFP, will there be enough people committed to keeping it going?

I hope that answers your question.
Dave said…
Brian--check out All the revenues from search engine (powered by Yahoo) go to charity and not-for-profits.

Hope you guys are enjoying winter in O-town! It's finally warming up some here in Wellyville. Wish you guys were here!
Speaka said…
Thanks for the input guys! This whole thing has certainly got me thinking.

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