More teeth

Eth lost another tooth. He looks awesome with a cavernous gap in his smile. Reminds me of a Little Rascal character for some reason. We know what Eth'll be asking from Santa "All I want for Christmas is my three front teeth". I'll put up a photo as soon as I can get them off my camera. A month or so ago, Noah took scissors to the transfer cable.

I'm more than half way through my non-drinking insanity. Its been okay but when I'm at a party/get together it'd be nice to have a drink in my hand like everyone else.


Anonymous said…
Im amazed at the sober brian. well not really amazed.

Kathryn said…
Good for you Brian. I know how hard it can be. I know that I have a reason that I can't drink right now but still when I see everyone else around me I want one. Luckily I can't give in anyway, but it isn't as easy as I thought it would be.
Anonymous said…
As I believe they say in AA, one day at a time.

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